<body> My Little Diary
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Updates from Teacher Deborah (Week 4)
Dear Mommy and Daddy,

This week I learned about space and how big our playground when we running around like an airplane. I also like to know how long the basketball court is when we raced across the court from one end to the other. I started running even before Chai Lao Zhi had finished counting, “yi, er, san”.

When we are outdoor, I loved to use my sense of sight. I usually liked to look at the clock tower, the highest point of Ulu Pandan C.C. Teacher Deborah would tell us the time, “It’s ten o’clock now.” I also loved to look at the clear blue sky and the white cloud moving above us slowly. I also loved to use my sense of hearing. I usually keep my ears wide open to hear the sound of airplanes. Teacher Deborah said, “Look, what’s that in the sky?” One boy said, “HELICOPTER!” All of us started waving and shouting at the top of our voice - “Hi, Hi, We’re here!”.... “Bye-bye”.

I liked to use my hands to pick up little objects and glued them onto a piece of paper. Teacher Deborah measured my face with a piece of woolen thread. Then she cut it and laid it out like a circle. I’ve great imagination...“I’ve pasted two straw pieces as my eyes; two curved macaronis as my ears; a stick as my nose and a leaf as my mouth.” “Walla, I’ve a face and I loved it, even though, it might not be quite like me!”
I felt good when I drew and wrote on the big space called “Free Expression” whenever and however I wanted it. One boy said, “I draw my mummy!”
by The Tans at 2:43 PM