Friday, January 11, 2008
Updates from Teacher Deborah (Week 2)
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
This week, I had a wonderful time with my friends at school. I was exploring my favorite play-dough, making a birthday cake for teacher Deborah. We sang her a Birthday song. Then we took our turn to blow the candles from Teacher Deborah’s fingers.
After lunch, I liked to measure my weight and my height everyday. It was fun to see the needle moving as I stood on the weighing machine and teacher Deborah would read out my weight to me. I wish I could grow taller so that I could run my finger up to touch the Giant’s castle at the top of the chart. It was fun to run my finger down quickly so that the giant can’t catch me. I learn about opposite words such as “up” and “down” this week.
I like to explore a new toy called the pounding balls rack. I was so curious to see the balls sliding down as I hit the ball with a wooden hammer. The little ball went through the hole and sliding down and before I knew it, it was already at the bottom of the rack. But teacher Deborah taught me to share this toy with my friends, and so, I learned to take turn to play this toy.
I learned better when I sang and danced in class; I pretended to brush our teeth, and after that, I showed off my clean white teeth with my wide-opened mouth. I also like to wear masks and pretended to be a flower girl, and sometimes, a princess or an octopus. I also liked to explore with coloured paints; teacher Deborah told me that I had just made purple when I mixed red and blue paints together.
This week, I had a wonderful time with my friends at school. I was exploring my favorite play-dough, making a birthday cake for teacher Deborah. We sang her a Birthday song. Then we took our turn to blow the candles from Teacher Deborah’s fingers.
After lunch, I liked to measure my weight and my height everyday. It was fun to see the needle moving as I stood on the weighing machine and teacher Deborah would read out my weight to me. I wish I could grow taller so that I could run my finger up to touch the Giant’s castle at the top of the chart. It was fun to run my finger down quickly so that the giant can’t catch me. I learn about opposite words such as “up” and “down” this week.
I like to explore a new toy called the pounding balls rack. I was so curious to see the balls sliding down as I hit the ball with a wooden hammer. The little ball went through the hole and sliding down and before I knew it, it was already at the bottom of the rack. But teacher Deborah taught me to share this toy with my friends, and so, I learned to take turn to play this toy.
I learned better when I sang and danced in class; I pretended to brush our teeth, and after that, I showed off my clean white teeth with my wide-opened mouth. I also like to wear masks and pretended to be a flower girl, and sometimes, a princess or an octopus. I also liked to explore with coloured paints; teacher Deborah told me that I had just made purple when I mixed red and blue paints together.
by The Tans at 8:42 PM