I'm 3 years old and I have 3 birthday cakes this year. One is for my friends in school (Power Rangers cake from Polar, second (Bob Builder from Polar) is to celebrate at home and last one (Soccer Cake from Prima Deli) is for my birthday party (1st May).
First time celebrated my birthday at school. Had my friends to sing birthday song. Mummy will download the videoclip here when she is free.... keke
Mummy and papa checked in the chalet in the afternoon. After dinner, we had a mini celebration at home with "yeye".

2nd birthday cake from polar

Left the house after we had the cake. Reached chalet around 11pm. papa took his bath while I watched VCD and drank milk.

Then papa drove us to Downtown east. When we drove past the Ferris Wheel, there was neon lights. But when we reached there, the neon lights were off only left the buiding neon lights. Look around what was inside at the downtown east. And when to mc cafe for drinks. I was sleepy and mummy patted me to sleep.

1st May 2008
Woke up saw papa having instant noodles. So I also had some. Also had another round of breakfast at mac with gugu. It was very crowded. But luckily we managed to find seats. Went to the orchid bowl. There was a mini bowl alley. Initially I wanted to play, but when is my turn, didnt really want to play but because mummy has already put in the coins, gugu played. Went for lunch at Burger King. It was long queue again. While waiting for papa to buy the lunch, fall asleep while drinking milk. And while walking back to the chalet, I woke up. "po po", "gong gong", "yiyi" and uncle vincent came not long after papa went back home to fetch "yeye", "meimei" and aunty meimei.

The Kids Bowling Lane - S$2 for 5 games.
Uncle vincent helped to set up fire around 4.30pm. And guests started to come. The chalet is slowly occupied by all the kids.

3rd Cake from Prima Deli

Me and Zheng Jie
Thomas TV Game from Aunty Pauline and Uncle Raymond
Shirts from yiyi and the puzzel from Uncle Weilun
2nd May 2008
Had breakfast at BurgerKing. Check out chalet. And had my development assessment at Queentown polyclinic. Everything is ok....
Thanks all the uncles and aunties for the angbaos and present.