<body> My Little Diary
Friday, March 14, 2008
Updates from Teacher Deborah (Week 10)
Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I had a fun week! Teacher Deborah painted my face and dressed me up like a puppy. I love to look at myself in the mirror and see a little dog grinning at me. I have my very own “bone” with my personal name. I hid my bone under a pile of “mud”, and then, looked for it by digging with my hands. I also played a game called “Dogs and Bones”. When teacher Deborah called my name, I would crawl slowly to pick up a “bone”. I have also learned to dance with a new rhyme that teacher Deborah taught me, “A Poodle in a Fuddle”. Mommy and Daddy, shall we dance together?
(Children stand in a circle, look from left to right )
A poodle in a fuddle
In the middle of a puddle! (step left)
Will he wade to the left? (step right)
Will he wade to the right? (step into the middle)
Will he stay in the middle? (Point up to the sun)
Till the sun shines bright? (Hold hands over head to form sun)
When the sun shines bright, (Crisscross arms and move one left, one right)
Will the puddle disappear? (Point to floor in front where standing)
Will the poodle in the middle
(Cup hands to mouth and say this louder, as though cheering)
Give a great, big cheer?
by The Tans at 11:16 PM