Sunday, December 31, 2006
Daddy, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Daddy. Early afternoon, we went to Orchard Swensen for lunch. And daddy had his firehouse free. And I had my porridge and fries. Then went to Takashimaya for some shopping.

Late in the evening, we met Gwendolyn JieJie’s family for dinnerat Otori Japanese Restaurant.This was the second time we came here. We liked this place as they have a la carte buffet dinner at $30+ and the best part is kids are eating for free. We met up today to celebrate daddy’s birthday. Today was the first time I tried the edamane peas. It was tasty but because of the salt at the peas I had rashes all over my mouth. And I ate a bowl of udon all by my own. The daddies were busy catching up, whilst both mummies were busy taking care of both kids! Aunty Pauline bought a birthday cake for daddy.

I cried when we left the place because I still wanna play with Jiejie. So mummy called Aunty Pauline asking her if we go to her house for a drink as today is the last day of the year. But Aunty Pauline and Uncle Raymond have other programs. So in the end we went to Toa Payoh to see if there is any countdown celebration. But nothing much was there. So in the end, we went back home.
by The Tans at 11:58 PM
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Eating and Eating and Eathing
This morning, we went to Tea House for Dim Sum with "yeye", mummy and daddy. The last time I came here was with all my April friends. Instead of sitting on the high chair, I sat at the arm chair next to our table. A VIP table and that was the place I played with my friends before.

Later in the evening, we went to Traders Hotel for international buffet to celebrate daddy's birthday. Nowadays, I didn't really want to sit on the high chair. Instead I like to walk and run about. But this makes mummy angry because she was afraid that I would hurt myself. And I had BBQ chicken wing and noodles for my dinner.

by The Tans at 11:11 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Gifts

Thanks all the uncles and aunties for all the x'mas gifts...
by The Tans at 10:53 PM
X'mas Lunch at Gwendolyn JieJie's house
This afternoon went to Gwendolyn JieJie's house for X'mas Lunch. After awhile of "warm up" I made myself at home. Went to Jiejie's room to play with her toys. She has alot of toys. Aunty Pauline cooked her infamous salad and chicken... And these two dishes are mummy favourite. And not to forget udon for me and JieJie... =) Thanks Aunty Pauline...

What we had for our lunch....

by The Tans at 10:27 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Eve
Mama brought me to airport to fetch papa back. I hasnt seen papa for more than a week and I missed him alot. We were quite early so mama brought me to McDonald for some fries. So while waiting for papa, I ate the fries and run around the arrival hall... We waited for sometime and finally saw papa. We took cab home..
After papa had his bath, we went to Valencia JieJie's house for Christmas party. I saw Rayden Didi, Zhengjie Didi and Amos GorGor... We played together. We left at about 9+ as Zhengjie Didi was grouchy, so papa sent them back.

Then we went to West Coast McDonald for supper. First time had my cappucino... =)

by The Tans at 11:37 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
First day of my X'mas Parties
Mama told me I would have continuous for x'mas parties and today was the first day of the continuous parties. Mama brought me to Simei MRT station by Train and Aunty Angie was already there waiting for us. We went to Kara's grandma's house for party. And we were the first two to reach. Followed by Aaron, Terelle and Yixuan. I made myself at home so that mama can eat her lunch.. =) An hour later, Uncle Richard sent us out to MRT station coz mama has another gathering with her secondary school classmates..

Thanks Aunty Angie and Uncle Richard for the rides.
by The Tans at 11:20 PM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A busy Saturday
Mom: Went Bugis for final x'mas shopping. Daddy bought new shirts and a pair of shoes for himself. After first part of shopping, we intended to go Mac for our late lunch but couldnt find any seats. So in the end, we went Mos Burger and luckily Fred ate the fries there. We continued our second round of shopping. Finally time to go home. Fred slept on the way back home.

The X'mas tree at bugis
Around 6pm, we left home for Frankie and Lilian's wedding. We went to their suite in the hotel. Fred ate the fries at the suite instead of his porridge. We left the suite around 7pm.

The beautiful bride, Aunty Lilian...

At the couple's suite...
When we reached the ballroom, Raymond's family was already there. Fred and Gwen liked the peanuts served during the cocktail session. When we were seated at our table, I fed Fred with his porridge but he didnt want. Gwen requested for some and I gave her. Fred saw her eating and also wanted his porridge. And in the end, both Fred and Gwen finished all the porridge.

Gwendolyn and Me....
Group Photo....
by The Tans at 11:58 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Smart Fred
Mom: This morning received sms from KS telling me that Fred has already know how to step on the BMW accelerator. Last night he didnt want to step and this morning he can did it by himself... Three cheers for Fred... Hip Hip Hooray.... =)
by The Tans at 10:51 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
BMW toy car
Went to Tiong Bahru Mac for dinner. Mummy was meeting her two poly friends, Aunty Jane and Aunty Sherly...

Finally the BMW toy car has arrived my house. Daddy went to Great Aunty Judy's house to collect. I didnt step on the accelerator to move the car but asking daddy and mummy to push for me... =)

by The Tans at 11:43 PM
by The Tans at 3:27 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Kids Gathering
Mummy told me today I will get to meet 3 more friends beside Lionel later at IMM. We had our lunch at Fish & Co.

by The Tans at 11:58 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Happy Birthday Lionel Didi
This afternoon we attended Lionel's first birthday party. The last time I saw him was many months ago. Although he was only 12 months old, he weighed as much as I am. He will be going back to China next Friday.

My new fren from China....

Lionel's birthday cake
After the birthday party, we went back home. After my afternoon nap and had my dinner at home, daddy drove us to Plaza Singapura. We went to the Pets shop to buy doggie's food. Then mummy and daddy had their dinner at Ajisen. They also gave me a small portion of the noodles.

by The Tans at 10:43 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Mummy on Leave
Mummy was on leave today. We went to Orchard after my afternoon nap. Saw a lot of x'mas decorations along Orchard road. Mummy bought a snoopy slipper for me and some x'mas presents.

The Big X'mas Tree at Takashimaya...

Lunch at West Coast Mac...
by The Tans at 11:49 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Some photos taken at Singapore Changi Airport
by The Tans at 11:37 PM