Saturday, September 30, 2006
Mummy went shopping with "yiyi". They went to Plaza Singapura to buy stuffs for scrapbook. As I was not fully recovered, mummy didnt bring me there. So in the end, daddy and "yeye" brought me to Anchorpoint and IKEA. "yeye" bought a rack back from IKEA.
Took my afternoon nap after my IKEA trip, and together with "gugu" we went to "gonggong" 's place. Mummy and "yiyi" went to Ashley's meimei's first birthday party. I couldnt go as mummy didnt want me to pass the virus to anyone there. But mummy told me I will meet this "meimei" some other times.
by The Tans at 11:54 PM
Friday, September 29, 2006
Sick Fred
Mom: Fred still hasnt recovered from his cold. And last night he couldnt sleep well. He woke up around 3+am in the morning. Trying to give him medicine but he didnt want to take so no choice have to use force. Feel so hard pain when i see him sleep. He is like breathing so hard coz of the phlegm. When will he recover?
by The Tans at 10:29 AM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Doctor for Fred
Mom: Fred just seen a doctor this morning. And the doctor said he caught a cold. And his fever was about 38 degrees. So in the end he got cough, flu and cough medication.
by The Tans at 1:49 PM
Fred is SicK
Mom: This morning about 4+am, heard Fred coughing terribly. He coughed as he was about to lose his voice and had alot phlegm. When I touched him, oh my, his body was so hot. He was having a fever. Quickly called daddy up and gave him fever syrup. Fred didnt want to take but we forced him to. After taking the syrup, Fred tried to sleep but he couldnt and no long, he perspired. He didnt want to sleep then, he asked daddy to go to the living room and read book. My god, it was already 5am in the morning, and my son still wanna read book. In the end, my father-in-law helped us to take care of Fred while we tried to catch some sleep.
This morning before I left for work, Fred no longer having fever. And he was sleeping soundly in the living room. And daddy told me that early this morning, when Fred was reading book and happen to see train, Fred went to the table and showed daddy where the train was and when come to clock, he walked towards the clock hanging on the walk and showed daddy where the clock is... What a son we have??? HAHAHA....
by The Tans at 9:11 AM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Mom: This morning before 1.00am, Fred kept crying for no reason. He just kept tossing here and there crying. And only slept after daddy patted him. Is his molar coming out?
by The Tans at 8:48 AM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Happy Sunday
This morning, I went to Suntec for dim sum with daddy, mummy and "yeye". Initially we wanted to go to Crystal Jade for dim sum but ended up in Imperial Kitchen. Imperial Kitchen does not have dim sum. All thanks to my blur daddy. He didnt know that there are two similar restaurants there. So in the end I had my fish porridge. After the meal, we went to Toys' R Us. We shopped there for awhile only as I was very sleepy. So we left suntec and headed home.

After my afternoon nap, we went to Sentosa. We parked our car at beach station and took bus to Underwater World. I was attracted by the fishes swimming in the big fish tank. We took two rounds of the elevator. Then we went to catch the last show of the pink dolphin. After the show, we walked to beach station and took bus to Musical fountain.

This is where we wait for our bus to Underwater World...

The musical fountain was crowded with many people. And the time was not even 7pm yet and the show only starts at 7.40pm. We found ourselves seats. And I was sleepy while waiting for the show to start. But luckily I didnt sleep if not I will miss the show.

We went to Burger King for dinner. I took fries and mummy allowed me to drink Ice Lemon Tea. Mummy suggested walking back to the beach station and we ended up at cable car station. In the end we took bus from cable car station to beach station. And finally we got to our car. I fell asleep while on my way back home.
I enjoyed myself today very much especially at Underwater World and walking on the sand at Siloso Beach.
by The Tans at 10:45 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Argh... Not Againz
This morning woke up at 9+am and mummy told me we would be going to Mac with TongTong jiejie and Aunty Pauline. We almost go there twice a month. This time daddy brought a ball with us, so that TongTong jiejie and I can play there.
We reached there around 10am and the place was not as crowded as we went previously. Initally I didn't want to sit on the high chair but only after daddy bought hotcakes with sauage. I ate half a hotcake and 3/4 of the sauage. And mummy allowed me to drink some of her tea.
After our breakfast, we proceeded to an open area where people fly their kites. TongTong jiejie no shy and went to approach an uncle who is flying his kite there, while I played the ball with daddy.

After sometimes, we left WCP and headed back home. Aunty Pauline brought TongTong jiejie to our place as TongTong jiejie want to play with our dog. They stayed at our house for sometime and went back home. After they left, "yeye" bathed me and fed me with my porridge. After my lunch, I took my usual afternoon nap. Then went to Uncle HongWei's house as today is his

Birthday Cake

Birthday Boy...

All the kids....
by The Tans at 10:25 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Naughty Fred
Mom: Recently Fred has difficulties in sleeping on his own. In the past, he would just lied down on his cot and sleep on his own without patting. But recently, he needs either daddy or mummy to pat him to bed. Don't know what is happening to him. =(
by The Tans at 9:31 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Daddy and Mummy NOT around (15-17th Sept 2006)
15th September 2006
I woke up at 6+am this morning because I knew daddy and mummy will be going for short trip to Bintan Club Med. Daddy tried to pat me to bed but mummy kept walking in and out of the room. So in the end I didnt sleep when they leave the house but playing with my Barney.
Daddy called back at around 7+pm and "yeye" allowed me to talk to daddy and mummy. First time mummy leaving me at home... =(
16th September 2006
"Yeye" felt sad to see me sleeping alone in the room so in the end the two of us slept together in the living room. I didnt sleep well because I missed my bed and mummy. =(
17th September 2006
"yeye" told me today daddy and mummy will be back. So I waited for them eagerly. Daddy called back at around 5+pm to say that they have reached Singapore.At about 6pm, I heard mummy calling me outside the window. I was sitting on high chair eating. Daddy opened the door and mummy carried and kissed me. She has missed me so much.. =)
We went to "gonggong"'s house as today was "popo"'s birthday. The adults were having steamboat for dinner. Mummy gave me some fishballs and I love them. And kept asking mummy for more...

Birthday cake bought by "gonggong"

Me and "popo"

All of us....

Mummy and "popo"

Loving couple
by The Tans at 11:00 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
How much is my blog worth???
by The Tans at 11:25 AM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Breakfast at WCP MacDoanld Againz
Daddy decided to bring "yeye" to WCP Mac for breakfast. We reached there around 10.30+am and the cashiers were crowded with people. Mummy and daddy went to order food while "yeye" played with me. After breakfast, we went to a big field where some people kicking soccer and some flying kites. I was attracted by a kite. It has a big goldfish printed on it. As I can walk on my own now, I was given a chance to wander around the field.
I'm here againz....

Looks, wat's over there....

A b/w photo taken by daddy... Nice?

My back view... HAHAHA....

Now, my side view... HAHAHA

Wow... Look at the flying kite....

Mummy, look at our shadows....
by The Tans at 11:47 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Family Gathering at Aranda Country Club
First time going to Aranda Country Club. All the carparks around the Aranda Country Club were full. So daddy no choice but to park to the nearest farthest carpark. When we reached the chalet, it was full of adults. I got abit scared. Daddy wanted to feed me with my porridge but I didnt want to eat because I saw "popo" was making steamboat. Daddy, Mummy, Yiyi and Uncle Vincent were hungry so we ate first. Mummy gave me some of the foods. And I liked them. Then there wasnt any drinks in the fridge left, so mummy rushing daddy to finish his dinner so we can go to the nearly store to get some drinks. I walked on my way to the store. And yiyi was busy taking my photos.
Me wearing jacket.. still having abit of running nose
Photos taking sessions....
Alot of "patterns" from me....
You saw my 4 teeth??
by The Tans at 10:49 PM