Thursday, September 29, 2005
Sleepless Night

Mom: Fred cired the whole of yesterday night... But know what happen?? Is he dreaming or played too much during the daytime??? I also dun know... :(
by The Tans at 2:10 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
First time Witnessing Solemization
Today is Aunty TzeePing and Uncle Jake's ROM day. Mummy and Daddy brought me to witness this special moment.. I didn't make much noises during the solemization... I was so jealous when I saw mummy carried other's people kids... So i cried and wanted mummy to carry me... heehee... :)
I wouldn't be seeing Daddy for the next few days... Daddy is going to Vietnam for biz trip and onli be back on Thrusday night... Daddy has been travelling alot this month... :(
by The Tans at 11:14 PM
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Grandma's Birthday

"yeye", daddy and mummy brought me to chinatown coz "yeye" wanted to go to the market there. "yeye" bought me a "Rooster" lantern for me. It has "kuku" sound and it will flips its wings. Ah gow was afraid of the lantern initally but now he is no longer afraid... :)
We went to Jumbo at East Coast Park for dinner. They had crabs, prawns, etc while I onli had milk... :( Grandma onli drank a small table spoon of the drunken prawns soup and she was already having headache... "So weak u, grandma".... Then we went to Coffee Bean at Singapore Post for Coffee... When daddy on the lantern, everyone there looks at me... So pai say... Daddy quickly off it. :)
by The Tans at 11:04 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
Chubby Fred
Mom: Daddy brought Fred to Polyclinic for 4th injection and the weighing scale shown 7.62kg.
by The Tans at 9:56 AM
My Recent Photos
by The Tans at 9:21 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Today is Sister Erica's birthday. There was a barbie doll sitting on the cake... Saw tongtong jiejie there too...
Then we went to Orchard to buy mooncakes for grandma... Daddy and Mummy bought me a red Elmo from Takashimaya. Actualli wanted to buy from Tangs but the kids level was under renovation.
by The Tans at 11:31 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Kaisu Mummy
Mummy went to Kiddy Palace at Toa Payoh to buy Sister Erica's birthday present and also bought me a book. "yeye" said mummy so kiasu... The book has horn sound... Ah gow likes the book coz it has the horn sound. But mummy kept the book on daddy's study desk. Ah gow cannot take from there... heehee.... :)
by The Tans at 11:42 PM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
New Bolster

Went to greataunty judy's house to visit great grandmother... and went to Civil Plaza to have MacDonald. Then met ah yi at causeway Point. Mummy bought presents for her ex-colleague's ROM. Then ah yi bought me a new beanbag bolster. I liked it alot... Uncle Vincent brought me to see furniture at Courts. Heehee, then I fell asleep there coz nothing interest me at Courts. Then we proceeded to Grandma's house... :)
by The Tans at 11:21 PM